Monday, February 28, 2011

March 10: Susan Rivera, Dept. of Psychology, UC Davis

Investigating Gene-Brain Relationships Across the Lifespan in the fragile X spectrum of Disorders
Mutations of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene are the genetic cause of fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common inherited form of mental retardation. Large expansions of the CGG trinucleotide repeat in the full mutation range (> 200 CGG repeats) consequently result in transcriptional silencing of the FMR1 gene and deficiency or absence of the FMR1 protein. Smaller expansions (~ 55 to 200 repeats)are referred to as the premutation (FXPM). My laboratory has been investigating individuals across the fragile X spectrum of involvement (including both premutation carriers and individuals with the full mutation) using both infrared eyetracking and brain imaging techniques. We have gathered data from individual across the life span, from infants to aging adults, and are converging on a consistent pattern of results which suggests that alterations in a fronto-parietal circuit may underly many of the observed cognitive deficits seen across the fragile X spectrum (especially, difficulty with spatial and numerical processing and attentive tracking). Furthermore, across these multiple studies, we have observed correlations between level of impairment on these tasks and molecular variables such as CGG repeat size and protein expression, suggesting a dosage effect of FMR1 mutations on cortical functioning in this prefrontal-parietal network.

Room 1111 Tolman Hall

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feb. 24: Geoffrey Saxe, Graduate School of Education & IHD

The emergence, reproduction, and change of collective representations and ideas: The study of small communities in the New Guinea and the United States

Psychological studies of cognitive development are often conducted without regard for the interplay between the cognitive activities of individuals and the cultural histories of communities. In Prof. Saxe's talk, he illustrates a heuristic research framework that illuminates this interplay through studies drawn from his work with a remote Papua New Guinea group; He focuses on the emergence, reproduction, and alteration of collective representations for naming currency tokens in the community over an extended period of time. The second is drawn from work on mathematics in upper elementary classroom communities in the United States, where the focus is on geometric and arithmetic representations for fractions in classroom communities.

Room 1111 Tolman Hall

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb. 10: Frank C. Worrell, Graduate School of Education

Are Cultural Identities Developmental? Perspectives on Racial and Ethnic Identity

Much of the early theorizing about racial identity (e.g., Cross, 1971) utilized a developmental framework, postulating change across a sequence of stages. Early theorizing about ethnic identity (e.g., Phinney, 1989) used Cross' model and Marcia's (1966) conceptualization of identity statuses to suggest developmental change. In this presnetation, the evidence in support of a developmental conceptualization of racial and ethnic identity are considered. An attitudinal perspective is suggested as an alternative hypothesis.