Columbia University
Human Amygdala-Prefrontal Cortex Development and the Role of
Feb.9- Tamar Kushnir, Professor of Human Development
Cornell University
Meeting in the middle: acting and learning in social
Feb. 23- Mark Seidenberg, Professor of Psychology
University of Wisconsin, Madison
March 9- Candice Odgers, Professor of Public Policy, Psychology & Neuroscience Duke University
March 16- Shaun O'Grady & Katie Kimura, Graduate Students
UCB Department of Psychology
April 6- Michael Lewis, Professor Pediatrics & Psychiatry
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
The Rise of Consciousness and the Development of
Emotional Life
April 13- Adrienne Wente & Ruthe Foushee, Graduate Students
UCB Department of Psychology
April 20- Minxuan He, Graduate Student
UCB Department of Psychology
April 27- Caren Walker, Graduate Student
UCB Department of Psychology
May 4- Andrea Urqueta, Graduate Student
UCB Department of Psychology